Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Loving, Massage, the Business

A few days ago I had the marvelous opportunity to spend a couple of hours with a former massage student who asked to pick my brain about how to improve her new business.

She had been working at a local spa and was moving into her own business, having purchased the lease and customer list from another therapist who was leaving the business.

This was a huge step for her because it was moving her closer to her own dream of what massage therapy is all about.  Though she enjoyed the spa environment, it was all about making people feel good (nothing wrong with that!), but what she envisioned was using massage as a way to go deeply into people's hurts and pains and bring some real healing. (My sentiments exactly!)

So we started in.  Her first question was the same one that all young therapists seem to have: What techniques are the best?

And off we went on a really good, really open discussion.  Bottom line: it is not about technique.  It is about opening your heart and connecting to people where they want to be connected to - deep in their heart, with someone who really cares.  She had done just that with an interview she did in a local paper.  She told her story and opened her heart about her own family pain and need for healing and in doing so let us see her passion for caring for people.  Hers is an amazing heart and an amazing talent and she will do well and lots of good.

From there we got into some nuts and bolts about business.
     Have a vision, write it down, look at it often, make it reflect yourself.
     Have a plan to get to your vision, some practical steps to take, and take them.
     Use the telephone to contact customers; be personal and connect.
     Offer specials that relate to where they live - local event days, holidays, couples.  Ways to let              people know that you know where they live, what matters to them and that you care.
     Hold seminars, conferences, special meetings to help people know what you do and how you                can help them.
     Become the local (or national) expert; tell your story in ongoing installments in local print.                    Make "massage" a household word that means "love, healing, care, compassion".

By the time we were done, I was more jazzed and encouraged than she!  What a great afternoon!

So do the same with your business,  your dream, your massage practice.  Tell your story. Open your heart.  Care for people in new and special ways.

Love Heals.


Dr Jon